The Ultimate Guide to the 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine

The 10-step Korean skincare routine, which promises healthy, glowing skin, has become immensely popular worldwide. It is known for its precise approach and premium products; this guide will walk you through each step, explain why it’s important, and assist you in selecting the best products for your skin type.

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Step 1: Oil-Based Cleanser

Cleaning using an oil-based cleanser is the first step. If you have oily skin, this may seem unusual, but oil cleansers work well at removing makeup, sunscreen, and extra sebum—the natural oils your skin generates. They function by eliminating pollutants derived from oil without depriving your skin of its natural moisture content.

How to Apply a Cleaner with an Oil Base:

  • Cleanse the skin after it’s dried.
  • For approximately a minute, gently massage it in circular strokes.
  • To emulsify the cleaner, add a small amount of water (it will become milky).
  • Thoroughly rinse with warm water.

Step 2: Cleaner Based on Water

The next step is to use a water-based cleanser after using an oil-based one. Any last bits of sweat, oil, and debris that the first cleanser might have missed are removed with this second cleanse. Making sure your skin is spotless and prepared for the upcoming items involves double cleansing.

How to Apply a Cleaner with a Water Base:

  • Apply some lukewarm water to your face.
  • Massage the cleanser into your face lightly after applying it.
  • After thoroughly rinse your skin with lukewarm water, blot it dry with a fresh towel.

Step 3: Applying exfoliants

Dead skin cells can cause clogged pores and a dull complexion; exfoliation helps to remove them from the skin’s surface. Exfoliation regularly promotes cell turnover, leaving your skin smooth and radiant. On the other hand, excessive exfoliating need to be avoided since it could irritate your skin.

Kinds of exfoliators:

  • Physical exfoliators: Dead skin cells are physically removed by these products using small particles.
  • Acids that degrade dead skin cells, such as beta hydroxy acids (BHA) or alpha hydroxy acids, are examples of chemical exfoliators (HAA).

Procedure for Exfoliation:

  • Use an exfoliating physical twice a week.
  • As directed by the manufacturer, use chemical exfoliators one to three times a week.

Step 4: Toner 

Toners offer a basic layer of moisture and assist in balancing the pH levels of your skin. They prime your skin so that the subsequent items will absorb more easily. Any remaining makeup or cleanser residue can also be eliminated with a decent toner.

How to use:

  • Dab the toner onto your hands or a cotton pad.
  • Apply it lightly on your face and neck.
  • Before going on to the following phase, let it absorb.

Step 5: Essences

A crucial part of the Korean skincare routine are oils and essences. These are moisturizing products that are lightweight and deeply absorbed by the skin. Essences are brimming with potent compounds that support hydration, cell regeneration, and skin restoration.

Utilizing an Essence:

  • Transfer a tiny quantity into your palms.
  • Apply it gently on your neck and face.
  • Let it fully absorb.

Step 6: Ampoules, boosters, and serums for treatment

Treating certain skin issues like wrinkles, acne, or dark spots is the focus of this step. There are several different sorts of treatments, such as ampoules, boosters, and serums. In order to address your skin concerns, these solutions are typically highly concentrated and brimming with active ingredients.

How to use treatments: 

  • Dab a little bit onto your face.
  • Concentrate on the areas that need attention.
  • Until completely absorbed, pat gently.

Step 7: Apply a sheet mask

Giving your skin a powerful dose of moisture and nutrients can be done in a fun and soothing way using sheet masks. They are formed from cotton or other textiles that have been serum-soaked. Two to three times a week, or anytime your skin needs a little more help, apply a sheet mask.

How to use a sheet mask:

  • The sheet mask should be unfolded and applied to your face.
  • Turn it on for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • After taking off the mask, gently massage any leftover essence into your skin.

Step 8: Cream for the eyes

The sensitive skin surrounding your eyes is frequently the first to exhibit symptoms of aging. Applying an eye cream helps to moisturize and treat fine wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles under the eyes. Select an eye cream that addresses the issues that are unique to you.

How to use eye cream?

  • The gentlest finger on your hand, the ring finger, should get a modest bit of eye cream.
  • Tap the cream around your eyes gently.
  • To prevent irritation, do not rub.

Step 9: Cream

All skin types need to moisturize. It maintains the integrity of your skin barrier and aids in sealing in all the earlier layers of moisture. Whether it’s a heavy cream for dry skin or a lightweight gel for oily face, pick a moisturizer that works for your skin type.

How to Use a Moisturizer: 

  • Drench your face and neck with a good amount.
  • Apply it to your skin gently.
  • Let it absorb completely.

Step 10.Sunscreen

Sunscreen should always be the last item in your morning regimen. To avoid premature aging and skin damage, you must shield your skin from damaging UV radiation. Every day, even on overcast days or inside if you’re close to windows, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

How to Apply Sunscreen: 

  • Finish your morning ritual with applying sunscreen.
  • Use enough to shield your neck and face.
  • If you’re outdoors, reapply every two hours.


1. Do I have to complete all ten steps each day?

No, you are not required to perform all ten steps each day. Adapt the routine to the needs of your skin. You might not need to use a sheet mask or exfoliate your skin every day, for instance. To fit your skin type and concerns, modify the methods as necessary.

2. Can I use products from different brands?

You may mix and match products from different brands as long as you choose ones that suit your skin type and problems. You should also keep an eye on how your skin responds to various products and make any adjustments.

3. How long does the entire routine take?

Depending on the stages you follow and how much time you spend on each, the entire practice might take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. Although it may seem time-consuming at first, it can eventually become a calming ritual for self-care.

4. Is this routine suitable for all skin types?

All skin types can benefit from the 10-step Korean skincare routine. The trick is to select products that are developed specifically for your skin type, so whether you have oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin, you can discover products that work for you.

5. What if I have sensitive skin?

Start slowly and only use one new product at a time if you have sensitive skin. Select products that are mild and free of fragrances for delicate skin. Pay attention to how your skin reacts and avoid any products that cause inflammation.

6. Can I use the same routine in the morning and evening?

With a few modifications, you can follow a similar regimen in the morning and the evening. Pay attention to sun protection and water in the morning. You can omit the sunscreen phase and concentrate more on treatment items in the evening.


The 10-step Korean skincare routine is a comprehensive strategy to obtaining and maintaining good skin, not just a fad. You may take care of a variety of skin issues and have a glowing complexion by following these instructions and utilizing the appropriate products. Always keep in mind that finding the correct products for your skin type will make all the difference and that consistency is essential.

Taking good care of your skin may be a fun and calming daily ritual. It’s an occasion to treat yourself and put self-care first. The most essential thing is to listen to your skin and take care of it, regardless of whether you choose to follow all 10 stages or make a simplified version that suits your needs.

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