How to Make Nail Polish Thinner?

It’s not always necessary to throw away our beloved nail paints when they harden and become challenging to apply. You can restore those cherished bottles and restore your nail polish to its former glory with a little attention and a few easy tricks. In this post, we’ll show you how to thin nail polish at home so you can resume applying it smoothly and evenly. These ideas can help you keep your nails looking amazing without going over budget, whether it’s a certain color you simply can’t seem to get rid of or just need a fast cure.


  • Clear nail polish – This will serve as the base for your custom color.
  • Eyeshadow or loose pigment – Choose any color you like.
  • Small mixing bowl – To mix the eyeshadow with the clear polish.
  • Toothpick or small spatula – For mixing.
  • Small funnel (optional) – To pour the mixture back into the nail polish bottle.
  • Paper or plastic sheet – To avoid messes.


Get Your Workspace Ready:

  • To contain spillage, place a piece of paper or plastic down.
  • Make sure you have easy access to all of your ingredients and supplies.

Break up the eyeshadow (if necessary):

  • Using a toothpick or spoon, finely crush any solid eyeshadow you’re using into a powder.
  • Approximately half a teaspoon of powder is your goal.

Mix the Pigment with Clear Polish:

  • A tiny bit of transparent nail paint should be added to the mixing basin.
  • To the clear polish, add the loose pigment or crushed eyeshadow.
  • The pigment and clear polish should be well combined with a toothpick or tiny spatula to produce a uniform, smooth finish. To make sure that every clump dissolves, this might take a few minutes.

Transfer the Mixture:

  • Pour the mixture back into the clear polish bottle with caution if you used a mixing bowl. A little funnel can be used to assist stop spillage.
  • For the polish to be thoroughly combined, you might need to give the bottle a little shake.

Test and Adjust:

  • To check the color and consistency, dab a little bit of your homemade nail paint on a nail or a piece of paper.
  • Repeat the mixing process with additional pigment if the color is too light.
  • If it’s too thick, thin it out by adding a little amount of clear polish and shaking until the right consistency is reached.

Clean Up:

  • Clean up any spills right away and wash your mixing tools.
  • Make sure the bottle is closed securely to keep the polish from drying out.

Advantages of Making Nail Polish Thinner at Home:

1. Cost Effective

It is less expensive to utilize common home materials like nail polish remover or specialty thinner than to purchase fresh nail polish.

2. Boosts the Life of Nail Polish:

Your preferred colors may last longer if you thin down thicker, outdated nail paint.

3. Personal Control:

Because you are in charge of the consistency, you can get the right texture for easy application.

4. Quick Fix:

When you’re pressed for time and don’t have time to purchase new nail paint, this is an easy cure.

5. Eco-Friendly:

Reusing old nail polish rather than discarding it and purchasing new ones helps reduce waste.

Disadvantages of Making Nail Polish Thinner at Home:

1. Reduction in Quality:

The longevity and finish of nail polish can be negatively impacted by using non-professional thinners, such as acetone, nail polish remover.

2. Inconsistent Results:

It can be difficult and may take many tries to achieve the ideal consistency, which might provide variable outcomes.

3. Potential Chemical Reactions:

The components of nail polish may react negatively with some DIY thinners, changing the color or perhaps clumping the polish.

4. Reduced Product Life:

Because the solvents can evaporate more quickly after thinning, thinned nail polish may have a shorter shelf life.

5. Health Risks:

Due to fumes and physical contact, using improper chemicals for thinning (such as domestic acetone) may be harmful to your health.

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